Install git-flow plugin for zsh

Here is a great git-flow plugin for zsh. How to install it:

  1. Add plugin file
cd $ZSH_CUSTOM && cd plugins && mkdir git-flow && cd git-flow && wget
  1. Open zsh settings
vi ~/.zshrc
  1. Add git-flow plugin to your plugins
plugins=(git git-flow)

Restart the terminal.


alias gfl='git flow'
alias gfli='git flow init'
alias gcd='git checkout develop'
alias gch='git checkout hotfix'
alias gcr='git checkout release'
alias gflf='git flow feature'
alias gflh='git flow hotfix'
alias gflr='git flow release'
alias gflfs='git flow feature start'
alias gflhs='git flow hotfix start'
alias gflrs='git flow release start'
alias gflff='git flow feature finish'
alias gflhf='git flow hotfix finish'
alias gflrf='git flow release finish'
alias gflfp='git flow feature publish'
alias gflhp='git flow hotfix publish'
alias gflrp='git flow release publish'
alias gflfpll='git flow feature pull'
 817   2018   eng   system